

[Photo/HBO Max]

''Thank you to the fans that have continued to show their support well after the last chapter closed. The magic of the world wouldn’t exist without you. Thank you for fighting to make it such an inclusive and loving place,'' Watson added. ''I still miss the crew who made these films all the time. Thank you for all of your hard work too — I know your contributions sometimes get overlooked.''她還寫到:“非常感謝歌迷們在影片結束後仍然支持著我們。沒有你們,魔法世界就不能存有。謝謝你們的努力讓它成為了一個寬容、充滿著愛慕的世界。我也很想念片場值班人員。謝謝你們的辛勤工作,我曉得你們的付出有時候會被忽視。”

While Radcliffe, Grint and Watson lead the Return to Hogwarts hype, what sends the reunion over the edge is the return of iconic cast members like Helena Bonham Carter, Robbie Coltrane, Ralph Fiennes, Jason Isaacs, Gary Oldman, Imelda Staunton and Tom Felton who made up the thread that held the Harry Potter films together.儘管雷德克里夫、懷特特和墨菲是《重返霍格沃茨》的宣傳重點,但讓那場重逢更讓人瘋狂的是海倫娜·邦漢·奈特、羅比·科爾特蘭、勞倫·費斯特、羅賓·艾薩克斯、加里·奧德曼、伊梅爾達·斯湯頓和傑克·費爾頓等標誌性女演員的迴歸,自己共同構成了哈利·波特影片的主線。

“There’s magic in the air here with this incredible cast, as they all return home to the original sets of Hogwarts, where they began 20 years ago,” executive producer Casey Patterson said in a statement. “The excitement is palpable as they prepare to take their fans on a very special and personal journey, through the making of these incredible films.”執行編劇傑西·哈里森在一份新聞稿中稱:“那個強大的明星陣容讓整部特別節目充滿著了魔力,自己都返回了最初的霍格沃茨,這是自己20年前出發的地方。當自己準備通過攝製難以置信的特別節目電影帶著粉絲們走上一段特殊而個性化的旅途時,興奮之情顯而易見。”

“Harry Potter was my home, my family, my world and Hermione (still is) my favorite fictional character of all time,” Watson wrote Tuesday on Instagram.''I think a journalist once said it was irritating how many times during an interview I mentioned how lucky I was and started counting… BUT I DAMN WELL KNEW!!! And still know.''墨菲11月16日在Instagram上寫到:“《哈利·波特》是我的家,我的父母,我的世界,赫敏(依然)是我最喜歡的虛構人物。曾經有一個本報記者講起過:我在一次專訪中提及‘我多么幸運’的次數太多很煩人,還開始數有多少次。我所以曉得啊!到現在我也很清楚這一點。”

“I am proud not just of what we as [a] group contributed as actors to the franchise but also as the children that became young adults that walked that path. I look at my fellow cast members now and I am just so proud of who everyone has become as people. I am proud we were kind to each other that we supported one another and that we held up something meaningful.”“讓我深感自豪的不但是我們以女演員的身分參予該系列影片,在幼兒時重新加入並在參演的過程中長大成人也讓我備感自豪。我看著一同拍戲的同伴們,為自己現如今一個個長大成才深感極為自豪:我們對彼此間友善,互相支持,一同做了有象徵意義的事情。”

《哈利·波特》執導要重逢了。HBO Max正式宣佈,為的是紀念《哈利·波特》系列電影公映20十週年,將面世特別節目《回到霍格沃茨》,明年1月1日上線。包含兩名執導在內的數名女演員將重逢,與粉絲一同回憶《哈利·波特》的故事情節。


When the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve, 2022 will bring with it the HBO Max premiere of Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts. The retrospective special will feature stars Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson joining director Chris Columbus for a celebration of the beloved franchise.當迎接2022年聖誕節的鐘聲敲響時,《哈利·波特20周年纪念:重返霍格沃茨》將在HBO Max首映禮。回顧特別節目將邀請安德魯·雷德克里夫、魯伯特·懷特特和莎拉·墨菲等明星與編劇萊恩·哥倫布聯手,共同為整部頗受鍾愛的系列影片舉辦歡慶公益活動。

แท็ก   回到霍格沃茨 哈利·波特20週年紀念:重返霍格沃茨 哈利·波特與魔法石 重返霍格沃茨 哈利·波特